Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, January 26, 2025. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to any time before the deadline. Thank you for taking the time to apply to the Maroon Coats! We would like to hear from you in your own words. Please refrain from using generative AI (ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-Pilot, etc.) to create your responses.
Please submit a professional headshot of yourself. This should be an individual shot of you - please do not include any other individuals in the photo (including partially cropped individuals, pets, etc). Please ensure you have the picture oriented correctly before uploading. The file can be in either PNG or JPG format and must be a maximum of 4MB in size.
Please separate your résumé information into each corresponding box below using a standard résumé format with activities and corresponding details. Please follow a numbered, bulleted, or dashed list format with each activity on a separate line (can be copied/pasted from your current résumé). Only include activities that have occurred since the start of your undergraduate college career (which may include summer activities/jobs). Please do not double count involvement/service/leadership in different categories. Please exclude high school ONLY roles, experiences, and awards from your résumé.
Include any relevant roles leading organizations, committees, organizational activities, other involvement, etc. Limit response to 400 words. (See Example)
Include any roles or experiences, not included in leadership, that are service oriented. Limit response to 400 words. (See Example)
Include any other jobs, organizations, internships, experiences, etc. that you think provide relevant insight to your ability to serve as a Maroon Coat. Limit response to 400 words. (See Example)
List and describe any relevant awards and experiences. Limit response to 400 words. (See Example)
Tell us about a time in which you were able to use your passions and skills to serve others. Limit response to 250 words.
Using your Aggie Story, how would you describe Texas A&M to someone who knows nothing about it? Limit response to 250 words.
Applications close at 11:59:59 p.m. on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
By submitting this application, you affirm that all the recorded responses are truthful, and if at any point any information provided is found to be false, your candidacy or membership will be immediately terminated. You understand that your identity will remain anonymous throughout the application review and that every current Maroon Coat will have the opportunity to review your application. You agree that, if selected, you will commit yourself to the Maroon Coat organization and fulfill all member responsibilities.