The Campanellos faced unique challenges, but they always kept their families close. Throughout their lives and especially in young adulthood, both of their parents supported them while also being role models through their loving marriages, kindness, intelligence and willingness to endure. “They supported both of us at Texas A&M and wanted us to succeed in life,” Laura said. “We asked ourselves, ‘How do we continue their legacy?’”

To answer that question, the Campanellos created two scholarships at their alma mater: one in honor of Laura’s parents, Laurine and Edwin Schwarz Jr. ’44, for Mays students, and another in honor of Johnny’s parents, Mattia and Sam Campanello, for Texas A&M-Galveston students majoring in marine fisheries. The scholarships will share their parents’ stories while impacting current and future Aggies.
The Campanellos have plans to increase their giving and provide even more Aggies with opportunities. “What better way to prepare yourself to change the world than to enroll yourself in a great university?” Johnny said. “If we can help relieve the financial burden of doing that for students, then we’ve accomplished our goal.”
You can play a part in Aggie success stories like the Campanellos! To learn how to create a scholarship to support first-generation students at Mays Business School, contact Cassie Mahoney '15 below.