The Forsyth Heritage Society was established to recognize individuals like Forsyth who answered the call to pass on the opportunities that Texas A&M had given them. Innovative estate planning tools such as bequests, living trusts, and beneficiary gifts of retirement accounts or life insurance enabled Forsyth Heritage Society members the unique and distinguished opportunity to build a prosperous future for Texas A&M students.

Today’s Heritage Members enjoy special invitations to annual appreciation events, exclusive mailings and opportunities to network with other Aggies. Membership is optional upon making a planned gift and bears no obligation. Heritage Membership is the Foundation’s way to recognize the notable decision to leave a lasting impact on Texas A&M.
A True 12th Man
Aside from planned giving, Forsyth was instrumental in many other areas in Aggieland. He was the first contributor to the 12th Man Athletic Scholarship Fund, which laid the groundwork for the 12th Man Foundation. To thank him for his commitment to student athletes’ success, the football coaches presented him with a letterman sweater, which he proudly wore.
Forsyth is also well known for his major contribution toward the construction of a new alumni center that was previously located in the Memorial Student Center. This space is now home to the Forsyth Galleries.