When someone is dear to your heart, how do you cherish their memory forever? If they loved Texas A&M University, you could establish a gift in their name. A gift to the Texas A&M Foundation can ensure that your loved one will be celebrated long into the future.
Benefits of Planned Gifts
A planned gift promises funds to the Foundation to memorialize your loved one after your lifetime. Planning a gift does not impact your current finances, allowing you to create a gift that might be bigger than you expected.
If your loved one had/has a specific passion, you can tailor your planned gift to directly impact that area of interest, guaranteeing their legacy as the next generation of Aggies follows in their footsteps.
As a nonprofit organization, the Foundation receives highly-taxed assets, such as retirement accounts, tax free. Thus, every cent donated in your loved one’s name will directly impact Texas A&M. And because planned gifts are an essential pipeline of support for Aggieland, your loved one's legacy will play a major role in the university's future.
A Gift That Lives On 
Endowed gifts can be created with a current gift of cash or through a planned gift. Beginning at $25,000, an endowed cash gift can be given in one payment or through installments over five years. The Foundation will invest your gift to preserve its principal while increasing charitable distributions each year.
Through endowed gifts, you choose what your funds support—from impacting students, faculty, a specific college or student activities—to ensure your gift personally reflects your loved one’s interests. By naming your gift after a loved one and directing the impact toward their passions, endowments are a long-term option to establish your loved one’s legacy.
No matter how you choose to give, your philanthropic donation helps pay tribute to your loved one while building a brighter future for Aggieland.
Easy Ways to Honor Your Loved One
If an after-lifetime gift is not your desire, the Foundation offers additional methods to honor your loved one.
Write a Check: Check donations of any amount can also memorialize a loved one. Simply mail a check made out to the “Texas A&M Foundation” and include a note with the honoree’s name or memorial information and a point of contact (name/address). The Foundation will notify them or their family of the honorary gift. Please mail checks to: Gift Processing, Texas A&M Foundation, 401 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX 77840-2811.
Give Online: Additionally, you can easily make an honorary gift online, directing your funds to one of the hundreds of designated accounts. If you cannot decide, select the General Memorial account, out of which student scholarships are created. You should include the honoree’s name and address or their next of kin’s address on the online form so we can notify them of the gift made in their honor. Explore the Foundation’s online giving site at txamfoundation.com/give.