October 22, 2024

In the world of higher education—where new journeys begin, passions unfold and lives are forever changed—there’s rarely a shortage of inspiration. Across a thriving 5,200-acre campus like Texas A&M University, you’re sure to find a myriad of deserving causes to support, create, restore or improve. But when it comes to meeting a vision with action, it’s far less common to discover the fearless and inspiring few who lead the way.

To me, former President George H.W. Bush was that type of leader. As both a role model and a close friend, I looked up to him not only for the wise words he shared but also for the action he took in honoring his noble calling and treasured values. Beyond the national and international impact he had as president, he demonstrated what it meant to live a life of selfless service through his fervent advocacy and support of charitable causes, which included Texas A&M. When it came to making a difference, President Bush led by example, and because of that, his legacy continues to inspire countless others to do the same across our state, nation and world.

This, my friends, speaks to the incredible power of philanthropy. Similar to great leadership, bold generosity creates opportunities far beyond the bounds of its benefactors. It gives the world a chance to witness the life-changing impact of giving and encourages others to believe in their ability to follow suit. The desire to give may stem from personal integrity, but the decision to give is often motivated by a chord-striking example set before you. The chain reaction of paying it forward often starts with one person, and in Aggieland, we are fortunate to have so many forward-thinking individuals willing to assume this role for the betterment of students, faculty and staff at Texas A&M.

In this issue of Heritage, you’ll find several shining examples of leaders who inspire, whether on campus, through business, in the military or within their own families. Each of their stories illustrates the unique ways that philanthropy, specifically planned gifts, can present opportunities for people in all walks of life to leave a personal legacy—one that influences Aggies not only to succeed but also to invest in the success of others for generations to come.

After all, as President Bush once said, “There can be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others.”

Thanks for all you do.

Tyson Voelkel ’96 
President & CEO 
Texas A&M Foundation