1. What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money that uses encryption to ensure the security of its transactions. An alternative to cash and credit cards, cryptocurrency can be accepted as payment for goods and services. Because cryptocurrency is not issued by a government or financial institution, it does not have a physical equivalent and is not accepted by all businesses.

2. How do I donate cryptocurrency to the Foundation?
The Foundation uses a third-party vendor called Engiven to accept cryptocurrency donations. You can access it by visiting the Foundation’s website, navigating to “Ways to Give” and selecting “cryptocurrency” from the drop-down menu. You will then be prompted to provide your data through an electronic form. Next, you will receive a URL to which you can send your cryptocurrency from your personal wallet. The process is easy, efficient and takes place entirely online.
3. What information do I need to donate cryptocurrency?
The form on the Foundation’s website will ask for the specific currency being gifted, the gift’s intended purpose, the donor’s name, and a valid email address, phone number and physical address. Accuracy is imperative when selecting the type of cryptocurrency you are giving, because different currencies involve additional instructions.